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The words 'read on' point to one of home ed's advantages: it often suits keen readers - like the girl in this picture - and other high-flyers whose wings school would clip. School-stressed teens facing GCSEs are certainly likely to boost their grades if they study privately.

There are particular options and activities in Norwich itself and throughout the county there are friendly house groups for music, books, art and craft and so much else. The lucky kids aren't stuck at home, they're just not stuck at school! They're free to seize opportunities, from sunbathing on a sunny day to starring in a film (like the two in the photo).

Home educated teenagers starring in a film
Happy cartoon children with certificates

If only I'd given my own three children a home education!

I did home educate my grandchildren, now at uni or beyond. Since then, I've helped dozens of local families to succeed with home education or get the best out of school. I reply to all enquirers but to manage workload I prioritise families in Norfolk.

Tony D Triggs, home education and homeschooling advisor

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For a tailored reply you may like to tell me the age/school year of your child and the first part of your postcode

Thanks for getting in touch! I'll get back to you as soon as I can.

Home Education aka Homeschooling

Home education starts at birth, so if you're a mum you've tried it and you know it works!


Some mums never give school a look-in. They stick with home education and join the growing community of like-minded families. Others try school but regret it later, telling me of poor response to anxiety, bullying, special needs or special talents. To quote one mum, 'They just grade kids like eggs.'

I know how they feel! Decades ago, I quit as a teacher after seeing what the system did to Steven, my classroom clown. It set me free to write my books, give my lectures and start Norfolk Home Learning, through which I offer

 free advice on home education

(see Q and A, Methods, LegalExams)

☻ tutoring

For personal answers, you may like to get in touch right now, or for more about home education read on.

A homeschooled girl sings her own song in the open air.
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