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Home Education aka Homeschooling

A little girl having fun with a glove puppet.

Home education starts at birth, so if you're a mum you've tried it and you know it works. Some mums never give school a look-in. Others choose school but then encounter a poor response to anxiety, bullying, special needs or special talents.

Many homeschooling families get together once or twice a week for craft and other activities. Busy schools can't foster this sort of friendliness. To quote one mum, 'They just grade kids like eggs.' I know how she felt! Decades ago, I quit as a teacher when clumsy labelling wounded Steven, my classroom clown.

It set me free to write my books, give my lectures and run this Norfolk Home Learning website, which covers home ed methods, laws, exams, and tutoring. There's a contact form at the foot of each page and I gladly help whenever I can.

A homeschooled girl sings her own song in the open air.

Every mum has a different concern but many mention the pressure put on kids to conform. Home education certainly saves high-flyers - like this keen reader - from the levelling down that happens at school. Older pupils unhappy at school should quit in time to take GCSEs privately and get good grades.

Happy cartoon children with certificates.
Home educated teenagers starring in a film.

If only I'd given my own three children a home education!

I did home educate my grandchildren, now at uni or beyond. Since then, I've helped dozens of families with home ed or school. I reply to all enquirers but to manage workload I prioritise families in Norfolk.

Tony D Triggs, home education and homeschooling advisor

In Norwich there are classes specially for those in home education. (Opting in for a few hours a week beats school captivity any day!)


Home educated kids aren't stuck at home, they're just not stuck at school! They're free to seize opportunities - the two in the photo are playing the starring roles in a film!

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Your message (age/school year of child and an idea of where you live can be helpful) *

Thanks for getting in touch! I'll get back to you as soon as I can.

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