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Home Education aka Homeschooling

A little girl having fun with a glove puppet.

Home education starts at birth, so if you're a mum you've tried it and you know it works. Some mums never give school a look-in. Others try school but return to home ed to restore their children's confidence and give them a happier start in life and better prospects in exams.

Happy cartoon children with certificates.

It set me free to write my books, give my lectures and run this Norfolk Home Learning website, with methods, laws, Q & Aanxiety, bullying and tutoring pages, plus a contact page for anything else!

They certainly benefit socially, with like-minded families inviting them round to share books, music or informal lessons. In Norwich homeschooled kids can also have classroom lessons in various subjects up to GCSE. (Opting in for a few hours a week beats school captivity any day!)

School captivity! The words remind me of something a mum said: First they make you dress them like convicts; then they grade them like eggs.

I know how she felt! Decades ago, I quit as a teacher when clumsy labelling wounded Steven, my classroom clown.

A homeschooled girl sings her own song in the open air.

Far from being stuck at home, home ed kids just aren't stuck at school! They're free to seize opportunities - like these two, seen starring in a film!

Home educated teenagers starring in a film.

If only I'd given my own three children a home education!

I did home educate my grandchildren, now at uni or beyond. I've also helped dozens - even hundreds - of local families with home ed or school, some by tutoring at my place or theirs but often just with free advice!

Tony D Triggs, education expert

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Thanks for getting in touch! I'll get back to you as soon as I can.

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